Law Writings is a registered UK-based company that operates through the website. We consider this our prime responsibility to inform all customers that Law Writings is a digital entity that uses cookies. Every new user visiting our site for the first time is asked for permission. It is their own choice whether they allow the use of cookies or not. However, we do not make any type of cookies mandatory for accessing or using our site. Customer consent is always our top priority.
CookiesCookies are basically small text files that contain unique characters stored as strings. In technical terms, we call them identifiers. When you visit our site, the identifier stores information about your preferences. It helps us and our website recognise customers whenever they revisit.
Why Do We Use Cookies?There are different types of cookies that our website use. However, the basic motive of every cookie is just to understand the online behaviour of the customers and enhance their online experience. Checking out when the customer visited our site and how he/she navigated through through it helps us personalise their browsing. Cookies are also quite important in identifying whether the user has logged on to his account.
Types Of Cookies We UseWe are living in a digitally advanced commercial world. Cookies have become a great asset for every business operating online. Even though cookies are a must-have to manage our digital business processes, Law Writings still believes in respecting customers’ permission. They can easily block or restrict the cookies through browser settings. Deleting them might affect your online experience slightly while browsing the site. However, the impact is not that big and you’ll barely notice it.